Simple GitHub visualizer using GitGraphJS

Just follow the steps.

Known issues:

1) Get data

The data we need are downloadable from GitHub, but for some reason downloading is limited by code and not possible to do in a standard manner. One way to do it is to download it with the Network graph page and save it.

  1. Open developer tools panel (press F12 key while in your browser, more info:
  2. Navigate your browser to
  3. Scroll through the entire network graph (important to load all the data)
  4. In the developer console click the Network tab
  5. Copy the data from files which look like "chunk?nethash=:some-code"
    1. Select the line and on the right side click the Response tab, contents of the file should appear
    2. Select the entire line of code (best using select all or CTRL+A) in the Response tab and copy to clipboard (CTRL+C)
    3. Insert data into the textarea below (CTRL+V)
    4. If there were more files meeting the criterion, click "Add textarea" and repeat from a)

Add textarea

2) Make some tweaks

Display mode:

3) Press this button

4) Wait

5) See the chart: